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Top 15 Most Attended Conference Recordings
Top 15 Most Attended Conference Sessions
"International Panel: Brainspotting & Parts Work"- Kaye Griffin, Psy, Cherie Lindberg, LPC, NCC, Cynthia Schwartzberg, LCSW, & Glenda Villamarin, LPC (67:33)
"Neurobiology of Pain & Its Regulation with Methods Like Brainspotting"- Damir Del Monte, PhD *Also available in Spanish (268:40)
"A Deeper Dive into Expansion Brainspotting"- Lisa Larson, LMFT *Also available in German (218:04)
"Sick, Tired and Overweight. How Brainspotting Therapy Can Help"- Jane Evans, MD, Marjorie Robb, MD & Jeanne Talbot, MD (57:31)
"Engaging Chronic Shame with Brainspotting"- Michael Maley, PhD, LP (64:03)
"The Pain Domain is Clearly in the Brain: Successfully Treating Chronic Pain with Brainspotting"- Serene Calkins, P. T. *Also available in Spanish and German (258:41)
"Bodyspotting"- Mary Jane O’Rourke, LCSW, LMT *Also available in Spanish (209:20)
"Going for the Roots: Healing Developmental Trauma Through a Focused Brainspotting Approach"- Steve Sawyer, LCSW *Also available in Spanish & German (283:10)
"A Case Study: When Love is Outside the Window of Tolerance – Bodyspotting, Parts Work and Tools"- Jennifer Delaney, LPC (46:22)
"DBT and BSP: Widening the Window of Tolerance With Skills That Support the Nervous System"- Rosh Keating, LCSW, BSP & Jennifer Cobb, LCSW, DBTC (60:47)
"Enhance Brainspotting with Art & Parts Work"- Kate Cohen-Posey, MS, LMHC, LMFT (74:46)
"Utilizing Brainspotting and Bilateral Stimulation to Assist Dysregulated Dissociative Patients"- Connie Johnshoy-Currie, PsyD *Also available in German (181:15)
"Wavespotting- Wiping Away Stormy Emotions and Sensations"- Melanie Young, PsyD *Also available in Spanish & German (179:04)
"Vision & Brainspotting: The Body Keeps the Score & the Eyes Can Open the Door"- Emily Schottman, OD, LPC *Also available in Spanish (173:31)
"Systemic Approach to Healing Chronic Pain and Auto-Immune Conditions with Brainspotting"- Nancy Tung, RN *Also available in Spanish (223:40)
Teach online with
"International Panel: Brainspotting & Parts Work"- Kaye Griffin, Psy, Cherie Lindberg, LPC, NCC, Cynthia Schwartzberg, LCSW, & Glenda Villamarin, LPC
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