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Addictions, Spirituality, and Military/First Responders Conference Recordings
Addictions Presentations
"The Opposite of Addiction is Connection"- Andrew Susskind, LCSW, SEP, CGP (51:51)
"Brainspotting: A Doorway of Healing for Sexual Addicts in the Church"- Dr. Ted Roberts, D.D., CSAT-S, PSAT-S (43:51)
Spirituality Presentations
"Brainspotting as Spiritual Practice"- Reverend Martha Jacobi, PhD, R-LCSW (76:33)
"The Truth About The Soul – A Precarious Position Through Relational Ramblings"- Dr. Mark Grixti (44:39)
"Offering Your Eyes for Healing in Eye-to-Eye Gazespotting"- Monika Gos, CPsychol (61:52)
"Spirituality and Brainspotting"- Cynthia Schwartzberg, LCSW (73:56)
Military & First Responder Presentations
"Tips and Tricks for Moving the First Responder Client from Reluctance to Healing"- Stephanie Neuman, LCSW (60:27)
"Cultural Competency and Brainspotting for First Responders, Military Veterans, and Their Families"- Jennifer Alexander, LMFT (87:46)
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"Tips and Tricks for Moving the First Responder Client from Reluctance to Healing"- Stephanie Neuman, LCSW
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