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Innovation & New Set-Ups Conference Recordings
Innovation & New Set-Ups Conference Recordings
"Wavespotting- Wiping Away Stormy Emotions and Sensations"- Melanie Young, PsyD *Also available in Spanish & German (179:04)
"Phase-Oriented BSP Treatment with Complex Traumatized Patients"- Gerhard Wolfrum, Dip Psych, Traumatherapist (48:38)
"The Bullseye Setup - Using the X-Axis to Titrate Activation"- Cindy Smith, LCSW, ACC (60:30)
"Clinical Empathy: An Effective Use of Empathic Experiences in Counseling/Psychotherapy"- Takanobu Suzuki, MS & Elisabeth Tomlin, MS (72:25)
"Sound Brainspotting - BSP with Blind People & Sighted people with Closed Eyes"- Salene Souza, M.Sc. (64:06)
"Integrating EFT Tapping & BSP for Organic Setup, Improved Resourcing & Deeper Attunement"- Jennifer DeLorenzo, LICSW (64:43)
"Enhance Brainspotting with Art & Parts Work"- Kate Cohen-Posey, MS, LMHC, LMFT (74:46)
"The Art of Brainspotting: Healing Reflections"- Peggy ‘Alena Marie’ Farver, LMFT, Master Art Therapist (70:29)
"Deeper Dive into Brainspotting Resource Model"- Jeff Ryan, LPC, CSAC (71:07)
"9-Point Brainspot Mapping"- Stephen LaMotte, PhD (63:24)
"Syntonic Dance and Bodyspotting Meditation: Integrative Group Work"- Marília Toscano, Psy (49:16)
"Brainspotting with Groups: Ecuador & Mexico"- Glenda Villiamarin, LPC & Norma Contreras Garcia, LPC *Also available in Spanish (81:41)
"Hemispheric Brainspotting"- Luciana Caruso, LP & Sebastian Seguí, LP *Also available in Spanish (33:21)
"International Panel: Brainspotting & Parts Work"- Kaye Griffin, Psy, Cherie Lindberg, LPC, NCC, Cynthia Schwartzberg, LCSW, & Glenda Villamarin, LPC (67:33)
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"9-Point Brainspot Mapping"- Stephen LaMotte, PhD
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