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Classic Brainspotting Conference Recordings
Classic Brainspotting Conference Recordings
"Brain Basics for Brainspotting Therapists"- Deborah Antinori, MA, LPC, FT, RTD, NCC (70:29)
"Mud & Lotus: Navigating the Murky Waters of Uncertainty as a Brainspotting Clinician"- Karen Canada, LCMHC (78:02)
"DBT and BSP: Widening the Window of Tolerance With Skills That Support the Nervous System"- Rosh Keating, LCSW, BSP & Jennifer Cobb, LCSW, DBTC (60:47)
"Treating the Whole Client -Tools for the Therapist"- Helene Goble, LMFT *Also available in German (120:09)
"The Evaluation of 5-Sessions BSP Therapy for Self-Care of Mental Health Professionals in Indonesia"- Aditya Prabowo, S.Psi., Ine Indriani, M.Psi., Psych & Gisela Tani Pratiwi, M.PSI.,Psy (30:12)
"The E-Learning Consulting Group in the Context of Brainspotting Continuing Education"- Daniel Gabarra, Psych (19:16)
"Q & A: Brainspotting Questions Answered"- Melanie Young, PsyD, Lisa Smith, LCSW, & Jessica Kilka, LPC (73:36)
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"The E-Learning Consulting Group in the Context of Brainspotting Continuing Education"- Daniel Gabarra, Psych
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